• What is Crossfit?

Is Crossfit for me?

*  The great thing about CrossFit is that it's for everyone! The needs of our physical demands vary greatly from children, to advanced athletes, to the elderly.  Regardless of your age, size, or skill level, we have a level of workout that is right for you.  At BattleWolf CrossFit we have a good mixture from beginner CrossFitters to elite competitive CrossFitters, and we all work together as a tight knit community to achieve our goals!

Do I need to be in shape before starting CrossFit?

*  Absolutely Not! This is a common misconception with CrossFit. Your current fitness ability should not deter you from trying out CrossFit. If you are willing to come in, check your ego at the door, and work hard, then you will be a successful CrossFitter at our box. All of our movements and workouts are scalable, meaning we can adjust them to fit your current fitness level. Just because you can't do a muscle up right now, doesn't mean you aren't qualified to be a part of our Crossfit community.

Why does CrossFit cost more than other gyms?

*  The methods CrossFit use are much different than your typical "globo gyms." At BattleWolf CrossFit, you will be paying for more than the use of our equipment and facilities. You will receive a training program that is proven through result driven data. We also guarantee that you will receive dedicated coaching from an experienced coach that has passed the Crossfit Level-1 certification. Our classes are smaller in size so that we can provide more one-on-one attention to each athlete. This gives you the benefit of a personal trainer with the motivation of a group class setting! Our focus is on quality over quantity.  You will always be more than a quota number with us!

What should I expect when I get to class?

*  If it is your first time to our box, please come 5-10 minutes early so you can set up a Zen Planner account (or do it online here) and sign our digital waiver. Once the paperwork is done, we will go through an instructed warm up session, some variation of strength or skill work, then our "WOD" (workout of the day). 

What should I eat when doing CrossFit?   

*  It is this simple... eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.  Many athletes like to "count their macros", which is a simple way to help get your diet in check.  We would be happy to offer nutrition counseling to any interested BattleWolf athletes.